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Dr. Masaaki Terano

Designated Professor, General Creative Manager

Promotion Office for Open Innovation Manager

Institute of Innovation for Future Society

Nagoya University, Japan

Executive Officer

Tokai Innovation Institute Inc.​ Japan

After Master's degree in Materials Engineering, in a major electronics manufacturer, responsible for research and development of building equipment such as air conditioning and lighting, as well as the design and commercialization of building energy management systems (HEMS, BEMS).
After that, working in business planning for hairdressing and beauty and cooking appliances businesses.

Finally, in charge of new business development in that company.
After launching some new businesses, for example coffee roasting service etc, has been charged the current position.

Industry-academia collaboration activities in food and agriculture

Japanese food culture, represented by Japanese cuisine, is highly rated around the world. We are working with industry to transform everything from a platform for evaluating deliciousness to no-till cultivation, new style agriculture and so on.

In this lecture, we introduce the construction of salon-like activities, TOIS : Tokai Open-Innovation Institute, involving industry using universities.

TOIS is made up of business people, researchers, chefs and farmers implementing cutting-edge initiatives.

​We introduce some themes recreating from TOIS activities, re-generative agriculture, deliciousness, functional foods, food loss and etc.

NU Tech
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