Nagoya University (NU) will host the eighth annual Technology Roundtable in Research Triangle Park (RTP) this fall in cooperation with prestigious NC State University. Agriculture and biotechnology, two of NU’s strongest research fields, have been chosen as the main focus of this event. The Technology Roundtable Series is an annual joint technology marketing effort by NU and its US technology transfer office, Technology Partnership of Nagoya University, Inc. (NU Tech), in cooperation with local universities around RTP.
1. Goals
The Technology Roundtable Series aims (1) to highlight some of the many innovative cutting-edge research technologies with promising commercial potential from NU and participating local universities, and (2) to strengthen ties and networks among university and industry researchers, start-ups in RTP, and business development professionals from major and local AgBiotech companies. NU expects these networks fostered via the Roundtables will lead to future research collaborations and licensing opportunities between academia and industry, by which technology seeds could be further developed to commercialization.
Silver Sponsors
2. Date and Time
Date: September 18, 2017 (Mon)
Time: 8:20 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.)
3. Venue
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
15 T. W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
5. Agenda
8:00 AM
Registration, Breakfast, Networking
8:20 AM
Opening Remarks
President, Nagoya University
8:40 AM
Keynote Speech 1
Food as a Source of Value: Resourcing Early AgTech
Chief Executive Officer, AgTech Accelerator Corporation
9:00 AM
Technology Presentation #1
Enhancing CRISPR-based technologies for next-generation genome editing
Todd R. Klaenhammer Distinguished Scholar in Probiotics Research
Associate Professor, Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition
Sciences, CRISPR Lab, CALS, NCSU
9:30 AM
Technology Presentation #2
Controlling TIME in Plants by Small Molecules
Designated Associate Professor
Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM), Nagoya University
10:00 AM
Intermission, Networking
10:30 AM
Technology Presentation #3
pKAMA-ITACHI Vectors for Highly Effecient CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout in Arabidopsis
Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences and
School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
11:00 AM
Technology Presentation #4
Tailoring hormone responses in plants via synthetic signal integration devices
Assistant professor
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, NC State University
11:30 AM
Closing Remarks
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Office of Technology Commercialization and New Ventures (OTCNV)
11:40 AM
12:30 PM
7. About Technology Roundtable Series
The NU Tech Technology Roundtable series is one of the technology marketing efforts by Nagoya University (NU) and Technology Partnership of Nagoya University, Inc. (NU Tech), NU’s technology transfer office in the U.S., in cooperation with local universities in RTP.
Since 2010 when the first Roundtable was held in cooperation with NC State, NU and NU Tech have hosted the Roundtable every year. The 2017 Roundtable is the eighth one and its focus is on Agricultural Biotechnology.
NU Tech’s Roundtables aim to bridge the gap and strengthen networks and relations among university researchers, entrepreneurs and start-ups in RTP, and business representatives from major and local healthcare and Life science companies, by showcasing cutting edge technologies from Nagoya University and local universities in North Carolina.