1. Goal
Technology Roundtable Series aims (1) to highlight some of the many innovative cutting-edge research technologies with promising commercial potential from NU and participating local universities, and (2) to strengthen ties and networks among university and industry researchers, startups in RTP, and business development professionals from major and local AgBiotech companies. NU expects these networks fostered via the Roundtables will lead to future research collaborations and licensing opportunities between academia and industries, by which technology seeds could be further developed to commercialization.
2. Date and Time
Date: November 18, 2016 (Fri)
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. (Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.)
3. Venue
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
15 T. W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (Get directions on Google Map)
4. Keynote Speaker
Dr. Rick DeRose (Syngenta)
Dr. Alan Kriz (Bayer CropScience)
5. Agenda
8:00 AM
Registration, Breakfast, Networking
8:30 AM
Opening Remarks
Dr. Hideyo Kunieda
Trustee (Research, Student Support, and Admissions) Vice-President
Nagoya University
8:40 AM
Keynote Speech 1
Syngenta: A Culture of Collaboration and Partnership
Dr. Rick DeRose
Global Expert, Technology Acquisition, Syngenta
9:05 AM
Technology Presentation #1
Small molecules that change the number of stomata and plant growth
Dr. Naoyuki Uchida
Designated Associate Professor
Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules Nagoya University
9:30 AM
Technology Presentation #2
Gene regulatory networks controlling root stem cell maintenance during development
Dr. Rosangela (Ross) Sozzani
Assistant professor
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology NC State University
9:55 AM
Intermission, Networking
10:25 AM
Keynote Speech 2
Open Innovation at Bayer
Dr. Alan Kriz
Strategic Alliance Manager, Bayer CropScience
10:50 AM
Technology Presentation #3
Tissue joining ability of Nicotiana overcomes the graft restriction and achieves grafts with a wide range of plants
Dr. Michitaka Notaguchi
Designated Assistant Professor Department of Biological Science Nagoya University
11:15 AM
Technology Presentation #4
How Plants Integrate Time and Temperature and the Effects of High Nighttime Temperature on Field-Grown Rice
Dr. Colleen Doherty
Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry NC State University
11:40 AM
Technology Presentation #5
Pure sucrose production from crops
Dr. Ryushiro Kasahara
JST PRESTO Scientist (Kasahara Sakigake Project)
Invited Lecturer Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules
Nagoya University
12:05 PM
Closing Remarks
Dr. Rebecca Boston
William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor Assistant Director, NC Agricultual Research Service NC State University
12:15 PM
Lunch Networking
12:30 PM
Platinum Sponsor Presentation (10 min)
Insights on Using Metabolomics for Plant Molecular Phenotyping
Dr. Danny Alexander
Senior Study Director, Agriculture, Metabolon, Inc.
1:20 PM
6. About Technology Roundtable Series
The NU Tech Technology Roundtable series is one of the technology marketing efforts by Nagoya University (NU) and Technology Partnership of Nagoya University, Inc. (NU Tech), NU’s technology transfer office in the U.S., in cooperation with local universities in RTP. The first Roundtable was held on October 2010 in cooperation with North Carolina State University (NCSU), whose main topic was focused on Plant/Agriculture technology; the second was on October 2011 with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and Wake Forest University Institute of Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), focusing on Regenerative Medicine; the 3rd Roundtable was on October 2012 in cooperation with NCSU, UNC-CH and WFIRM, focusing on Diagnostics and Molecular Therapeutics; and the 4th Roundtable was held on October 2013, focusing on Crop Science and Biotechnology in corporation with Duke University, NCSU and UNC-CH and brought 150 participants. Although 5th NU Tech Roundtable in March 2015 was cancelled due to inclement weather, 6th Roundtable focusing on Biomedical Engineering was concluded with great success in November 2015.
NU Tech’s Roundtable aims to bridge the gap and strengthen networks and relations among university researchers, entrepreneurs and startups in RTP, and business representatives from major and local healthcare and Life science companies, by showcasing cutting edge technologies from Nagoya University and local universities in North Carolina.