NU Tech 10th Anniversary
Symposium and Reception
1. Background:
Established as an NPO on October 12, 2007, Technology Partnership of Nagoya University, Inc. (NU Tech) celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. To commemorate this event and to express appreciation for the generous support provided by NC State University and our many local partners, NU Tech will host a 10th Anniversary Symposium and Reception on Monday, September 18, 2017.
2. Date, Time and Venue:
Monday, September 18, 2017
15:00 - 10th Anniversary Symposium,
Monteith Research Center 136, NC State University
18:30 - Reception, Park Alumni Center, NC State University
3. 10th Anniversary Symposium:
Focusing on Biomedical Engineering (BME), a field in which NC State and Nagoya University actively collaborate, the Symposium will have two distinguished speakers from both institutions, followed by a panel discussion on how to promote further collaboration between NC State and Nagoya University.
15:00 - Welcome Remark Dr. Warwick Arden, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
15:03 - Opening Remark Dr. Seiichi Matsuo, President, Nagoya University
15:06 - Congratulations Mr. Tomohiko Arai, Science Counselor, Embassy of Japan
15:10 - Presentation #1 Dr. Yoshinobu Baba, Chair
Department of Applied Chemistry
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
15:40 - Presentation #2 Dr. Fran Ligler, Lampe Distinguished Professor
Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of North Carolina and NC State University
16:10 - Networking
16:20 - Panel Discussion “NC State & Nagoya University Collaboration & Beyond”
Dr. Seiichi Matsuo
Dr. Bailian Li, Senior Vice Provost, Global Engagement
Dr. Yoshinobu Baba
Dr. Fran Ligler
17:00 - Adjourn
4. 10th Anniversary Reception (by invitation only)
NU Tech will host a buffet style reception in appreciation of the generous and continuous support provided to NU and NU tech by local partners.
18:30 - Opening Remarks Mr. Tomohisa Koyama, Executive Director, NU Tech
18:35 - “Thank You” Greeting Dr. Seiichi Matsuo, President, Nagoya University
18:40 - Greeting Dr. Randy Woodson, Chancellor, NC State University
18:45 - Kagami Biraki Sake barrel breaking ceremony
Dr. Matsuo, Dr. Woodson & Mr. Shinozuka
18:50 - Toast Mr. Takashi Shinozuka
Consul General of Japan in Atlanta
18:55 - Networking
19:20 - Quick greetings
20:30 - Adjourn